Tricia Van Buiten

About the Author

I was born in 1964, the last year of the baby boomers. I found myself stuck between the 60's and 70's sex, drugs, free love and rock 'n' roll mentality of the baby boomers, and the make most of life and what you have attitude of the 80's generation. Constantly being torn between doing for others to make the world better and taking for myself to make my life better I struggled with giving up so much of my self with my decision to care for my parents. I was the youngest of six kids and probably the most spoiled, so it made sense that I would give back to my parents. Seemingly prepared with a BS degree and years of experience working with elderly, mentally ill, adolescents and family, I assumed I was prepared for what was coming my way, but I wasn't. Now I have the knowledge and experience to help you in your own journey.

My Book

Hands to Hold

Looking at life through my lens, the reader will be taken on a ride with twists and turns that are equally as hilarious as they are horrific.
Through it all I may lose my mind. I definitely lost my way and almost let the situation ruin my marriage. But I never lost my sense of humor.
Through love and heartache, tenderness and regret, with a dash of some unbelievable situations with not so predictable results, I made it through to the other side.